Funding Flanders

Funding program


Actual calls


Development project In realising this innovation - full of risks and challenges - you will need to acquire another piece of new knowledge. A challenging project, then, and to make it succeed you need extra finance. You can get those pennies through this development project grant. Our support can strengthen your growth plans, and maybe even accelerate them! Open Ontwikkelingsproject | VLAIO
Ecologiepremie+  Do you have plans to invest in a sustainable technology? If so, you may be eligible for an ecology premium+. This ecology premium is a financial allowance for companies investing in a technology included in this list (pdf version). The technologies match the themes of cooling, transport, lighting, heat and water. With the ecology premium, the Flemish government wants to encourage companies to organise their production process in an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient way.  Open Ecologiepremie+ | VLAIO
GREEN investment support Want to emit less CO2 and have lower energy bills? Then switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy, or electrify your business processes. Through GREEN investment support, VLAIO gives you a push to make these investments. Support is also available for investments in energy efficiency if they involve specific, innovative adjustments to your production process. Open GREEN investeringssteun | VLAIO
ICON project Through ICON projects, VLAIO provides grants to partnerships of research organizations and enterprises for interdisciplinary cooperative research in the context of strategic research centers, spearhead clusters and thematic policy initiatives. Closed ICON project | VLAIO
INTERREG Flanders-The Netherlands Flanders participates in the management of nine Interreg programmes: three cross-border programmes, two transnational programmes and four interregional programmes covering the whole of the European Union. Note that programmes such as Interact and ESPON are only accessible to very specific target groups because of their special remit. Open Interreg-programma's in Vlaanderen | VLAIO
INTERREG France - Wallonia - Flanders Flanders participates in the management of nine Interreg programmes: three cross-border programmes, two transnational programmes and four interregional programmes covering the whole of the European Union. Note that programmes such as Interact and ESPON are only accessible to very specific target groups because of their special remit. Open Interreg-programma's in Vlaanderen | VLAIO
INTERREG North Sea Region Flanders participates in the management of nine Interreg programmes: three cross-border programmes, two transnational programmes and four interregional programmes covering the whole of the European Union. Note that programmes such as Interact and ESPON are only accessible to very specific target groups because of their special remit. Open Interreg-programma's in Vlaanderen | VLAIO
INTERREG North West Europe Flanders participates in the management of nine Interreg programmes: three cross-border programmes, two transnational programmes and four interregional programmes covering the whole of the European Union. Note that programmes such as Interact and ESPON are only accessible to very specific target groups because of their special remit. Open Interreg-programma's in Vlaanderen | VLAIO
R&D feasibility study Through an R&D feasibility study, VLAIO provides subsidies to companies seeking to undertake an innovative project where feasibility is not yet sufficiently clear. Funding amounts to 40% to 50% of the project budget. Open O&O haalbaarheidsstudie | VLAIO
R&D&I in an international consortium To promote cooperation and coordination between the various research and innovation programmes of the EU Member States and associated countries, the European Commission has a number of networks within H2020 that contribute to the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA). Through VLAIO's participation in these international networks, Flemish project partners can also receive grants directly from Flanders for their international cooperation on research, development and innovation (R&D&I). VLAIO uses its existing support programmes to provide funding for Flemish partners within these networks. Open Subsidies voor O&O&I in een internationaal consortium | VLAIO
Research project for companies Through a research project, VLAIO provides grants to companies to expand or strengthen their research and development activities. The funding amounts to 40% to 50% of the project budget. Open Onderzoeksproject | VLAIO
Strategic ecology support  With the strategic ecology support, the Flemish government wants to encourage SMEs and large enterprises to invest in technologies that cannot be standardised due to their unique company-specific nature and therefore do not appear on the limitative technology list of the classic ecology support scheme via the ecology premium+. These are large ecological investments (minimum 3 million euros accepted).  Open Strategische ecologiesteun | VLAIO