About Hydrogen certification workshop 6th of September

Hydrogen certification workshop

Hydrogen certification workshop 6th of September

Registration for workshop

It is widely recognised that hydrogen and hydrogen-derived energy carriers will play an important role in the energy transition, both as feedstock and as an energy vector. European legislation, which is currently being developed, is also increasingly providing the necessary impulses for this.

However, adequate and pragmatic renewable and low-carbon hydrogen certification must be provided to develop a liquid market and utilisation of these gasses. Currently, the lack of a clear and well-organized hydrogen certification framework is hindering the development of the hydrogen market in Belgium -as in most other EU countries-, despite a growing demand and more interest from producers.

But what exactly is certification? What is the difference between Guarantees of Origin (GO) and RFNBO certificates? Who are the main actors in the certification process? What legislation do we have in place in Belgium? What are the missing pieces?

In this workshop we will try to provide an answer to all these questions . We will invite players from the certification value chain (certification bodies, Voluntary Schemes, competent authorities, etç) to explain the role they play and we will try to identify the main remaining barriers to come to a workable hydrogen framework in Belgium and Europe.

Meeting takes place at Port of Antwerp Bruges Havenhuis (Marc Van Peel zaal).

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