About WIC meeting 19 September @TNO Eindhoven

WIC meeting 19 September @TNO Eindhoven

Online meeting link: Click here!

09.30-10.00 : Arrival with coffee
10.00-10.10 : Welcome by TNO
10.10-10.40 : New WIC members presentations
10.40-11.10 : 1st Keynote speaker: Solar-2-Hydrogen: Sunlight driven hydrogen production  - Jonathan van den Ham (TNO)
11.10-11.40 : 2nd Keynote speaker: Direct Air Capture for e-fuels - Hans De Neve (Carbyon)
11.40-11.55 : News from cluster members
11.55-12.05 : WIC news
12.05-13.30 : Visit to TNO facilities (split group in 3):
Round 1: Demonstration “Solar-2-Hydrogen”- Materials Solutions (Anthony Sanderse- building HTC25 TNO)Round 2: Workshop "Advanced Technology Applied to Electrolysis at Holst Centre" (Emilio Manrique Ambriz- Conference Center)Round 3: 
Workshop How to accelerate hydrogen development? (Lennart van der Burg- Conference Center)

13.30 - 14.30 : Networking Lunch

Our next clustermeeting will be at the High Tech Campus of TNO.
Location: Conference Center High Tech Campus Eindhoven (STRIP)

As usual we offer you an interesting agenda with two keynote speakers and a company visit.

TNO will provide an overview of current hydrogen studies:

  • An analysis of the main cost factors for green hydrogen production (LCOH)  based on input of 11 hydrogen project developers in the Netherlands
  • A  study together TNO executed together with the Hague Centre of strategic studies on the opportunities and threats of the upcoming Chinese electrolysers
  • The position paper on the effect of the PFAS legislation on the PEM fuel cell and electrolyser markets
  • The challenges for the first large scale (>50 MW) offshore hydrogen production plant
  • The critical raw materials needed for electrolyser development and some key solutions
  • A study on the opportunities for reusing waste heat from electrolysers
  • A report on how to accelerate the learning in green hydrogen projects

Carbyon is a start-up company (spin-off TNO) that develops breakthrough technology for direct air capture https://carbyon.com/.  They realize a significant cost reduction compared to existing competing technology, both by lowering the energy consumption as well as the machine cost. Carbyon has also a strong link with the University of Antwerp. 


09.30-10.00 : Arrival with coffee
10.00-10.10 : Welcome by TNO
10.10-10.40 : New WIC members presentations
10.40-11.10 : 1st Keynote speaker: Solar-2-Hydrogen: Sunlight driven hydrogen production  - Jonathan van den Ham (TNO)
11.10-11.40 : 2nd Keynote speaker: Direct Air Capture for e-fuels - Hans De Neve (Carbyon)
11.40-11.55 : News from cluster members
11.55-12.05 : WIC news
12.05-13.30 : Visit to TNO facilities (split group in 3):

Round 1: 
Demonstration “Solar-2-Hydrogen”- Materials Solutions (Anthony Sanderse- building HTC25 TNO)

Round 2: 
Workshop "Advanced Technology Applied to Electrolysis at Holst Centre" (Emilio Manrique Ambriz- Conference Center)

Round 3: 
Workshop How to accelerate hydrogen development? (Lennart van der Burg- Conference Center)

13.30 - 14.30 : Networking Lunch

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