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Overview of HyPACT project
Webinar at 16h
What is HyPACT?
In the HyPACT project WaterstofNet combined their knowledge with the University of Antwerp and the University of Leuven with the support of the FPS Economy. Together they investigated the possibilties of cracking ammonia to hydrogen using innovative catalysts and adsorbent-assisted plasma technology.
What will the webinar be about?
During this webinar we would like to give an overview of the project, show you the final results and the future valorization pathways.
Why research on ammonia cracking?
Ammonia is considered a good carrier for hydrogen because of its high volumetric density and low energy consumption for production. The production process, transport and storage of ammonia are very well known processes in today's industrial society so there is nothing new to be discovered here. Only the cracking of ammonia back to hydrogen is not yet widely available on a large scale. Current techniques still struggle with various problems such as high energy consumption and the reliance on critical materials. Therefore, it is useful to investigate new innovative technologies to crack ammonia.